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Friday, February 18, 2011

#FollowFriday - @LN_Dragonsong: Writer, Actress, Artist, Podcaster, and Gypsy Pirate

This week's pick is someone special. I don't know how I've managed to neglect this person for so long. Maybe it is just that when you follow a lot of awesome people, you can't pick out everyone at once. And so someone who is very deserving of recognition ends up getting passed over far too often. But no longer. I am, of course, talking about the lovely and talented Laura Frechette, aka @LN_Dragonsong. But Laura isn't just my pick, she is Scott's pick, too. We both wrote her up at the same time. Thus Laura is our first Double Follow Friday nominee! This article is an amalgamation of what we each wrote.


Monday, February 14, 2011


[Editor - Sorry for the delay in getting this one out folks. Unfortunately, there is little that you can do when your guts kick you in themselves. Hope you enjoy.]

Ever go off somewhere, to a meeting, or to visit a friend, and realize that you wanted to show something on your computer to someone? Maybe you had your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad along with you, and you checked Dropbox and Evernote and cursed yourself because the file wasn't in either one, but was safely on your computer at home, just out of reach. Well, if you have iTeleport installed, that file won't be out of reach anymore. You'll be able to connect to your home computer, find the file and drop it into Dropbox, e-mail it, or anything else you want!


An unexpected turn of events.

Friends and Neighbors, I was in the midst of putting the finishing touches upon today's review, when I began suffering several bouts of painful gastric distress. It has been very distracting and has eaten up my time this evening. The upshot is that today's review will be late as I need to get to sleep and hopefully recover from this malady. I will have the review finished and out to you as soon as I am physically able.  I am most sorry for the delay.


Friday, February 11, 2011

#FollowFriday - @GraceBridges: Mystic wordnerd. Independent friend. Urbanite hermit. Head in clouds.

Part of me really wants to move to New Zealand. If the footage from Lord of the Rings is any indication it's positively gorgeous. Add to that the awesome tweeps I've met who're from that blessed island and I simply have to think that it's got to be as near perfection as any place on Earth. So with that, I want to introduce you to @GraceBridges.


Friday, February 04, 2011

#FollowFriday - @TRReed: Math Teacher, Podcast addict, Bitstrips artist, and Texan

Have you met @TRReed? And yes, that's not a typo. Or at least, it isn't OUR typo. If he typoed his Twitter name and never bothered to fix it, that isn't our fault. Or it could have just been that @treed got there before him, but I digress... Thomas Reed, our @TRReed, is a Math Teacher, compulsive podcast listener, and a proud Texan. He is also the creative mind behind a hilarious series of Bitstrips depicting scenes from the world of Social Media. In the past three years he has created 402 Bitstrips comics based on events in his on-line and off-line life.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Happy Birthday, Nifty Tech Blog!

A year ago today, the Nifty Tech Blog launched with our first review of Delicious Library. So much has changed in a year. Since that time we've published 29 other reviews,  43 Follow Friday recommendations, and 5 editorials. In February 2010, the blog was a one man show, hosted in a corner of my .Mac account space using iWeb. Now Scott Roche has joined the staff, and we've had contributions by Odin1Eye and Philippa Ballantine, and a crossover event with Tee Morris' Bird House Rules. We moved our hosting to Blogger, and thanks to the generous contributions from our readers, we're getting ready to move to our own servers and to stand up a WordPress version of the Blog.


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Do you know of a product or service that you think should be featured in The Nifty Tech Blog? Would you like to contribute to the Blog by providing artwork, reviews, or editorials? Want to tell us what you like, what you hate, or just point out something that can be improved?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, take time now to write to The Nifty Tech Blog at and share what is on your mind!

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