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Friday, December 31, 2010

#FollowFriday - @thegearheart: Wrtiter, Artist, Musician, Podcaster

Today's Follow Friday recommendation is @thegearheart. There are people out there who are criminally under followed. Now I realize that not everyone wants a thousand plus follows and I respect that. Still, when you've got someone as talented as Alex White running around on Twitter, you'd hope that he'd be a little closer.

"But wait," I hear you say, "who is Alex White and what is The Gearheart?"


Friday, December 24, 2010

#FollowFriday - @BrightEyedDyer: Dyer, Writer, Editor, Podcaster, She who brings fiction to fiber.

This week, I'd like to introduce you to @BrightEyedDyer, a writer, podcaster and podcast editor, and one of the most sought after dyers ever to grace Balticon. Sue Taliaferro, as she is otherwise known, not only dyes yarn, but she is known for creating the most striking color combinations. If you're into the fiber arts, you can find out more about that side of her by checking out her blog, Dyed Bright Here, or her Etsy store. But the most coveted yarns that she produces are the are the Balticon Limited Edition Colorways. These are special color sets that are each inspired by a specific novel written by one of the authors who frequent Balticon's literary track. The sets are released each year at Balticon on Memorial Day weekend.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Scrivener 2.0

[This week's review for The Nifty Tech Blog is a Guest Review by author Philippa Ballantine. Pip is the author of Geist and the co-author of the forthcoming Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel. We are happy to have Pip's review as part of her Blog Tour promoting the release of Geist.

Some notes not included in Pip's review: Scrivener is published by Literature & Latte Ltd. and costs $45 . Up until this year, it has been Mac OS only, and developed by Keith Blount. But now Keith is assisted by a number of contributors, and a new Windows version is now in public beta. But enough of me, here's Pip! Enjoy! - Editor]


Friday, December 17, 2010

#FollowFriday - @IdentityG: The Official Twitter profile of Identity Guard

I don't follow many "corporate" or commercial Twitter accounts. Life's too short and I have too many real people* to follow. The exceptions I make are... exceptional. Enter Identity Guard, aka @IdentityG. This Twitter account provides its followers with some really solid information on the latest scams and risks that pop up on the internet. They're very active in social media and have a podcast and blog where you can get additional information.


Friday, December 10, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Etherius: Podcaster, Shaper of Minds, and ReShaper of Bodies

Welcome back for another Follow Friday! This week I'd like to direct your attention to @Etherius, aka Chris Lester, high school teacher, podcaster, and creator of the Metamor City Podcast, and two time Parsec Award winner. Metamor City is a sci-fi/fantasy anthology set in a world where magic and technology work together. It is a city piled upon itself where skyways held up by magic and anti-grav divide the city into four social levels. Walking the streets of Metamor, you could meet gods, werewolves, vampires, psis, wizards, or even Eli's own prophet. A place where the citizens can accept an ancient threefold curse and reshape their very bodies, or live out their lives as mere mortal humans. Oh, and there is the occasional elf, too. Chris presides over an open world where he allows others to come in and act out stories in his world. These stories are done as full cast productions and paint a vivid picture of a rich world, and demonstrate how we strive to create our own certainties in a world where anything is subject to change without notice.


Monday, December 06, 2010

Scrambled Bits - Part Two: BitLocker To Go

Previously on "Scrambled Bits" I told you about how to encrypt your computer's hard drive using a Windows tool called Bit Locker. It's fairly straightforward and better yet it's free. Even more important than encrypting a PC's hard drive, is encrypting the ubiquitous USB drives that so many people carry in their pockets. It's easy enough to misplace them and without encryption any stranger can plug one into any PC and read its contents.


Friday, December 03, 2010

#FollowFriday - @jack_daniel: InfoSec Curmudgeon, Reluctant CISSP, and Amateur Blacksmith

The gentleman to the left is not an aging rock star, at least not in the traditional sense. As the blurb above suggests he is a well rounded individual and one well worth a follow. I got the opportunity to meet Jack (and yes I assume that's his real name) at BSidesATL, an open source security conference in Atlanta and have been following him since then.


Friday, November 26, 2010

#FollowFriday - @SimonPegg: Actor, Writer, and Silly Bugger.

If you thought perhaps I had been detained by the TSA, or hospitalized in a holiday traveling accident, then I am happy to report that I have only been detained by an insane holiday schedule. But it is still Friday, so there is still time for a Follow Friday post! This week I'd like to turn your attention to @SimonPegg, an internationally known character actor and author. Doesn't sound familiar? Well, maybe you know some of the roles he's played. Do you remember Tim Bisley from the TV series Spaced? No, too obscure, perhaps? How about Shaun from the 2004 cult classic film Shaun of the Dead? Or maybe you remember him as The Editor from the 2005 season of Doctor Who? Or Benji Dunn from 2006's Mission: Impossible III? That's the guy that helped Tom Cruise's character track down his girlfriend. Or you might have seen him as Nicholas Angel in 2007's hit comedy Hot Fuzz. But I imagine that most people will recognize him as Scotty from 2009's re-boot of Star Trek. And in a few days, you'll have a chance to hear him as the voice of Reepicheep in the upcoming movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Simon also wrote Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz, and a variety of other screenplays over the years. His quirky sense of humor has made him into an icon of British Comedy. You can find more about what Simon is up to at his official website, or via his new iPhone app.


Monday, November 22, 2010

ZOOM H1 Handy Recorder - A microphone shootout.

This is a review that has been a long time in coming. For some of you I'm sure it seems like it was too long. But we won't review something on The Nifty Tech Blog until we have had a chance to work with it for at least a month, so if you've been waiting anxiously for this review since we posted the Zoom H1 Unboxing back at the beginning of September, we're sorry for the wait. We've spent that time learning the Zoom H1 thoroughly and determining how it stacks up against other products. We hope that you'll agree that the wait has been worth it.


Friday, November 19, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Braindouche: Audio Mad Scientist

Today's Follow Friday recommendation is Braindouche aka Meredith.

One thing I've never understood is following a bunch of people just... like... you. When I cast a tweet into the Grand Canyon of the Internet I don't just want an echo back. So I follow people like Mer.


Friday, November 12, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Brandg: Author, Web Programmer, and Operator for Cthulhu.

This week's Follow Friday features Brand Gamblin, aka @Brandg, a man who turned his back on the fast paced world of the computer game industry to work at making network security software easier to use. Oh, and he created what may be the most popular internet puppet show ever. That show, would naturally be the soul swallowing classic, Calls for Cthulhu. Oh, and he's a two-time NaNoWriMo winner. His first NaNoWriMo effort has been edited and polished and finally published as a free podiobook, an e-Book, and the print book Tumbler. His second novel, a steampunk adventure, is in the process of being edited, dragged over the coals, and whipped into shape. And he's doing NaNoWriMo again. Glutton for punishment. You can find out more about the thrashing and screaming at his web site Oh, and he's one of the founders of the virtual convention DragonCan't.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November Poll: What would you give for better Nifty Tech Blog?

Chaos has reigned in my life as October ends and November begins. In last month's poll, I asked everyone how well they liked the polls and if I should continue them, or just halt them and move on to something else. I have to admit that I'm still concerned about the fact that each month a smaller percentage of readers are responding to the polls. I'm wondering if I'm really asking the right questions. So how did things turn out for October's poll?


Monday, November 08, 2010

Scrambled Bits - Part One: BitLocker

[This week we are pleased to bring you the debut review from Scott Roche, our Windows corespondent for the Blog. Please welcome Scott, and enjoy part one of this three part series. - Editor]

Security is, unfortunately, not number one on many peoples' minds when it comes to their home computers. Oh sure, they think about anti-virus and anti-spyware software, but that's about the extent of it. When it comes to a bit more intensive precautions I've seen eyes glaze over or roll completely back into the individual's skull. I can't blame them. Most people who own computers aren't geeks and they aren't as aware of the dangers out there as the pros. Or, if they are aware, they're often scared or confused to the point of immobility. Hopefully, with a few simple pointers, we can change that.


Friday, November 05, 2010

#FollowFriday - @planetx: Uber-geek and Creative Beast

Today's Follow Friday recommendation is Jared Axelrod. His profile says that he's an inventor, an innovator, and a world changer. When you read someone's profile you can never be entirely certain that they are what they say they are. I can say that in Jared's case he is.


Friday, October 29, 2010

#FollowFriday - @StephenFry: Author, Actor, Erudite Gentleman, Twitter advocate, and i-Thing Enthusiast.

This week, the coveted Follow Friday position has been reserved by your humble editor for that most gracious and witty personage, @StephenFry. In many ways, Mr. Fry has been one of the major formative influences for geeks of my generation. In the early 1980's as my compatriots were emerging from the hormonal haze of high school, Stephen was beginning his career as an actor and a comedian. Moving from the madcap insanity of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, to the historical parody of the Blackadder series, to the ever-so-proper Jeeves and Wooster. Mr. Fry has been lurking in the background of modern entertainment, appearing in odd and unusual places such as A Fish Called Wanda, I.Q., The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, V for Vendetta, and Alice in Wonderland. And soon he will emerge again from the shadows of the entertainment world as Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes older and much more intelligent brother. You can keep abreast of what he's been up to on his website,


Monday, October 25, 2010

Osfoora HD, for Twitter - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

[Tee has informed me that his work is sending him on a business trip this week, and he's been unable to complete the final edits for the podcast in time to launch along with the review. I've included the links to the audio with this article, but I'm afraid that it may take as much as a week before there is anything on the other side of the link. Tee asked that I go ahead with the final article, so I hope you enjoy the review. - Editor]

Welcome back to the final installment of our series with Bird House Rules. We've finally made it to our last Twitter client for iPad. This one is another newcomer to the App store, but we think they've done just about everything right. My friends, I give you Osfoora HD, for Twitter by Said M. Marouf. The name may seem a bit strange, but there is a reason for it. We'll get back to that later. Osfoora sells for $3.99, and to us, that seems like money well spent. Version 1.1.2 has a huge list of features. One of the surprising things about Osfoora HD is that it actually works as well in portrait mode as it does in landscape. The developer really put a lot of thought and effort into this client, and it shows. On top of that, he also developed and supports Osfoora for the iPhone, a separate code base. And he's just a lone developer, working on his own. Said, our hat is off to you. In many ways, you've done more on your own than many large companies have done with a team of programmers. Respect, sir!


Friday, October 22, 2010

#FollowFriday - @PhilRossi: Author, musician, dad blogger,

[For this week's Follow Friday, I'm turning the reins over to Scott Roche, our new Windows corespondent for the Blog. Take it away, Scott! - Editor]

Welcome to my first Follow Friday blog post for the Nifty Tech Blog! I follow a lot of people on Twitter, over a thousand at last count. That seems like a lot to me anyway. I'm not sure that if you get into the multi-thousands, that you're truly "following" all of them. But when it comes to #FollowFriday, when I do it, much like my awesome host I only recommend people that I follow closely and enjoy. Only the best for you dear readers!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Help Support The Nifty Tech Blog

Have you been enjoying The Nifty Tech Blog? We certainly hope so. And we hope that you'd be willing to give something back. We want to bring you more features, more reviews, and better on site services. But we just don't have the resources to do these things on our own. We'll continue to do what we can, but there are a few things that you could do to help us bring you the reviews and features you've enjoyed up to now, and make things better for the future.


Friday, October 15, 2010

#FollowFriday - @SpiritualTramp: Writer, Kilt Wearer, Podcaster, Member of Flying Island Press, and Nifty Tech PC Expert!

This week I'd like to introduce you to @Spiritualtramp, a talented man in his own right, and the first new Nifty Tech Blog Staffer! @Spiritualtramp, aka Scott Roche, is joining the Nifty Tech Blog staff as our resident Windows PC expert. Going forward you should be seeing a review from him on some Windows based technology about once a month, in addition to seeing Follow Friday mentions from him. But that isn't all! Scott is also the Director of Marketing and Assistant Editor of Flying Island Press, an online speculative fiction magazine. He is also an author in his own right with several stories available on Smashwords, as well as his Podcast Novel Archangel. Scott also lives up to his namesake by publishing his own blog of spiritual musings and observations at Spiritual Tramp. Scott is one of the Associate Producers for The Metamor City Podcast, as well as producing Flying Island Press' Flagship Podcast (In which I provided guest commentary on episodes 2 and 3). I'm surprised that he's got any time left after all that, but I'm glad to have him along.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TweetTime for iPad - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

Welcome back to another installment of the crossover series with Bird House Rules. We're almost done with looking at Twitter clients for iPad. This week we'll be looking at a client that is a relative newcomer to the App store, TweetTime for iPad by Dong-Wook Kim. TweetTime for iPad is a $2.99 purchase in the app store and is currently up to version 1.3.4. As is typical for applications for the iPad, landscape mode is more useful at illustrating the capabilities of the product than Portrait mode, so once again you'll be seeing a lot of Landscape pictures here.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day, Observed.

Just stopping by to let you folks know that nothing has gone wrong. Tee and I have decided to observe Columbus Day this year, so the review for this week will come out on Tuesday. I know a lot of folks don't do anything for Columbus Day, and a lot of workplaces don't even observe the holiday, but the discovery of the "new world" changed a lot of things in Europe and led to a lot of changes all over the world. Some of those have been good changes, and some bad, but on the whole I think that it has been beneficial in terms of lack of social strife and the creation of an environment where innovation in technology was necessary to survive.

Of course, the past is something we must live with and cannot be changed. So however you see the European invasion of the western hemisphere, take a few moments to count up the good and the bad, and resolve to learn from these lessons and make a better tomorrow. And that's when we'll see you. Tomorrow.


Friday, October 08, 2010

#FollowFriday - @riznphnx: Writer, Podiobook Author, and Siren of Second Life

This week's featured Twitterer (Tweeter? Twitter? whatever...) was a Finalist in the Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster category for the 2010 Parsec Awards. She is a mother of three loyal minions, an author, and a Jazz singer on Second Life. @riznphnx, aka Starla Hutchton, also published her first novel, The Dreamer's Thread, this summer and is talking about writing a second book. For more information on her book or her podcast, check out her website, For more information on her, follow her on Twitter, and don't be a creepy, stalky type person.  Really.


Thursday, October 07, 2010

Editorial: The Elusive Verizon iPhone

Once again, or is it still?, the spectre of a new Verizon iPhone has risen from the dead to plague everyone with a fresh stale round of false hopes. New evidence is being pointed to as a clear indicator that Apple will soon announce a new iPhone for Verizon to be released next quarter. Of course, these rumors have cropped up every quarter since before the original iPhone was announced. And every quarter, they've been wrong. I think they're wrong again. Then again, my position does have the advantage that I can only be wrong once. But even though I believe that Apple won't be releasing a Verison iPhone anytime soon, I think they've built one. Probably several. Let me explain why...


Monday, October 04, 2010

October Poll: Do you want to see more polls?

September has come to an end and it is once again time to tally poll results. In September, I asked what people thought of Apple's new Ping Social network for Music. Apple calls it a great new way for people to discover new music on the iTunes music store. Reader of The Nifty Tech Blog called it a snoozer and a loser.  Here is the breakdown.


Friday, October 01, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Nobilis: Podcaster, Erotica Writer, Insightful Mind.

This Friday, I’d like to introduce you to someone who may not be to everyone’s taste. He is a man of strong opinions, a husband to a disabled wife, and a writer and podcaster of erotica. He is also a man of biting insight and dry wit. I give you @Nobilis.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Twittelator for iPad - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

And we're back, with another crossover review with Bird House Rules. This week we're looking at Twittelator for iPad from the folks at Stone Design, aka Big Stone Phone. Twittelator is the last of our "old favorites", being a popular iPhone Twitter client in the past. The folks at Stone Design have been building interesting tools for a while now, and they definitely take a fresh approach to things. While there are free and paid versions of their iPhone Twittelator client, if you want it on the iPad, you'll need to pay $4.99 for the privilege. Twittelator has long been one of Tee's favorite clients on the iPhone, and is still one of his favorites on the iPad. Let me show you why.


Friday, September 24, 2010

#FollowFriday - @AdagioTeas: Sellers of fine Tea and Teaware, with a twist!

Do you like Tea? I love tea. A few years ago I got back into drinking tea on a fairly regular basis. If you like good tea, you don’t want to be picking up the run of the mill teabags that one usually finds in the grocery store. In fact, if you’re passionate about tea, you don’t want to pick up teabags at all. For the purest, most vibrant flavor in your tea, you want to go with loose tea. This is the traditional form of tea used by the the English. Your tea is kept in tins, or some other air-tight container so that it remains fresh. The amount of tea is measured out with a teaspoon (hence the name) and placed into a pot of boiling water to steep. When the tea has steeped, the tea leaves are either strained out as it is poured, or some sort of mesh insert is removed from the pot. When I rediscovered tea, I also discovered @AdagioTeas, an online supplier of quality teas and teaware. If you’re not familiar with the variety of teas, you’ll be surprised at their offerings. In addition to the typical black tea, and the popular green tea, Adagio carries flavored black teas, chai (a type of spiced tea), decaffinated tea, oolong tea, white tea, herbal tea, and rooibos or red tea. And those are classes of tea, each with an assortment of different flavors. Add to that Adagio's selection of teaware which ranges from traditional, to practical, to innovative. If you’re just brewing up one cup, or a whole pot, they have teaware specifically designed for loose tea and easy ways for separating the tea from the leaves. They even have an automatic drip teamaker!


Friday, September 17, 2010

#followFriday - @GailCarriger: New York Times Bestselling Steampunk Author, Tea Fanatic.

Little is known about @GailCarriger's origins other than that she was raised in obscurity by an expatriate Brit and an incurable curmudgeon. And we only know that because that is what she tells us. Corroborating documentation is mysteriously missing. Or we didn't bother to go look. One or the other.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Personal Stamp: Cirque du Soleil's OVO

Due to Tee's trip down under to attend WorldCon, and my busy schedule of late, Tee and I decided to postpone the next chapter of our series on Twitter clients for iPad for another two weeks.  We realize that this has been a long time on a single topic and that folks would probably like a break. I had planned to slot in another review here, but in the past two weeks I haven't had the time to get anything else ready. But I didn't want to leave my reader's hanging, so as a sort of intermission in the Bird House Rules series, I'm offering up this Personal Stamp recommendation. Which also has an intermission of its own.


Friday, September 10, 2010

#FollowFriday - @V_Momma: Voice Artist, Writer, Podcaster.

This week I'd like to introduce you to Veronica Giguere, aka @V_Momma, a voice artist, and podcaster. Veronica is the producer, voice, and a contributing writer to the 2010 Parsec Award Finalist podcast The Secret World Chronicles, an epic saga by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee, and Cody Martin, and created by Mercedes Lackey and Steve Libbey. The Secret World Chronicles is set in a world where superheros have become part of everyday life since World War II. The podcast is now into Book 3 of the story and seems to be going strong. Veronica does a dramatic read of each story, voicing all of the characters herself. You can find out about Veronica's other projects at her website, Voices by Veronica.


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First Look: Zoom H1 Handy Recorder Unboxing

One of the products that I'm looking at for a future review is the Zoom H1 Handy Recorder that was just released in August and sold out almost immediately! I finally got a hold of mine after having my pre-order shipped, canceled, and then back-ordered. So I figured that I'd do an unboxing video to demonstrate how easy the Zoom is to set up and get using out of the box. At least that was what they told me. Actually Zoom has a very good reputation for portable audio and the H2 and H4 models are very respectable portable recorders.


Monday, September 06, 2010

September Poll: To Ping, or not to Ping?

August's poll asked your opinion on the podcast series of review that I've been doing in conjunction with Tee Morris and Bird House Rules. We didn't get quite the number of votes that I'd hoped for but I'm glad that folks were willing to stand up and be counted.

Nine people responded in the poll. Three of them said they were enjoying the series and were looking forward to the rest of it. Glad to hear that. I hope it lives up to your expectations.


Friday, September 03, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Michbek: Author, Podcaster, and Twitter's Queen of Snark.

If you've ever talked to @Michbek, you'd remember it. She is one of those people with an incredibly sharp, cutting wit. You've got to be on your toes to hold your own. @Michbek is also the author of the Regency-era historical romance Trapping a Duchess, and a writer of erotica. The podcast version of Trapping a Duchess is available on her site, and at She is also a fan of flash fiction and has been known to compose stories on her Twitter stream. And she has been known to write a guest story for Erotica a la carte.


Monday, August 30, 2010

TweetDeck for iPad - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

This is the third in the series of reviews with Tee Morris from the Bird House Rules podcast. We have been looking at Twitter clients for the iPad. Tee and I sat down and recorded audio for the Bird House Rules podcast, and I'm posting a companion reviews here. I encourage all my readers to also check out the audio from the podcast. You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast, just something that can play an MP3 file. I hope you're enjoying this series as much as we're enjoy bringing it to you.


Friday, August 27, 2010

#FollowFriday - @EveryPhoto: Inspired short fiction, from a common image.

This week I am recommending @EveryPhoto, the Twitter feed for the Every Photo Tells... podcast. Every Photo Tells... is a podcast that is centered around a writing experiment. The podcast is run by Katharina Maimer (@KMLaw) and Mick Bordet (@MickBordet). Each month, they post a new photo on the Every Photo Tells... blog, and over the course of the month they write and podcast short stories based on those pictures. But the fun doesn't end there! For the first two weeks of the month, they also accept submissions from the audience, giving you the chance to be inspired and write your own story based on the photo for the month. If they like your story, they'll record it and include it in the podcast. Two weeks ago, they published 29 stories from the first six months of Every Photo Tells... on as Every Photo Tells... Book 1.


Friday, August 20, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Podiobooks: Gateway to hundreds of worlds of serialized audio fiction.

This week I'd like to introduce you to @Podiobooks, the official Twitter stream of is the Internets first clearing house of podcast fiction. It has provided a place where authors (and podcasters) can get their works out to an audience (that would be you) and gain a following without having to mortgage their souls to monolithic and uncaring publishing companies. The site allows you to browse their catalog of novels and collections of short stories in serialized format. If you find something you like, you can set up your own private feed and Podiobooks will send you a chapter at a time, at the rate that you want to listen to it, be it one a week, one a month, or one a day. And all of this is free, and with the permission of that authors. And if you really like the work you're listening for, you can go back to the site and make a donation to the author via Paypal. Podiobooks takes 25% of your donations to cover the costs of their servers and bandwidth and sends the other 75% to the author. That is better than just about anything else in the publishing world.

On Twitter, @Podiobooks is basically a news feed, keeping you updated on the latest offerings and events associated with the site. Some books listed are works in progress, and @Podiobooks will tell you when new chapters become available. Others are complete, but may have special episodes or live events that @Podiobooks will tell you about. And there are always announcements of new works being added to the catalog. If you're a fan of audio fiction and podcasting, how can you not listen to @Podiobooks?

That is it for today. Next week I'll be back with another Follow Friday post, and then on the 30th, Tee Morris and I will be back with another installment of our podcast/blog crossover. I hope folks have been reading and listening to the chapters, and that you'll let me know what you think be leaving a comment, or voting in this month's poll. Have a good one. See you next week!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Echofon Pro for Twitter - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

Welcome to the second in the series of reviews with Tee Morris from the Bird House Rules podcast. In this series we are looking at Twitter clients for the iPad. Tee and I sat down and recorded audio for the Bird House Rules podcast, and I'm posting a companion review here. I encourage all my readers to also check out the audio from the podcast. You don't need an iPod to listen to the podcast, just something that can play an MP3 file. I hope you've enjoying this series as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

Last time we looked at Tweet Flow. This time we're looking at Echofon Pro for Twitter. Echofon is one of a group of Twitter apps that we tend to think of as old familiar favorites. In Echofon's case this is because it started out as Twitterfon, a Twitter client for the Mac and the iPhone. If you're familiar with Echofon on any of these platforms, then you have a good idea what you'll see on the iPad. But with Echofon Pro, they've re-vamped things to take advantage of the iPad's screen space. Echofon was written by Naan Studio, Inc, and is available from the App Store for $4.99. Echofon Pro is a plus app, meaning that it will work on the iPhone as well as the iPad, but most of the functions we'll be talking about only exist on the iPad. Echofon is a full-featured Twitter client aimed at handling just about anything you might want to do on Twitter. We believe that it comes pretty darn close.

The first place where Echofon moves past Tweet Flow is in its ability to handle multiple Twitter accounts. You can set up as many accounts as you like, Echofon will let you switch between them at will. Admittedly, you can only view tweets associated with one account at a time, but very few clients will allow you to look at tweets from multiple accounts at the same time.

As you would expect, Echofon handles both landscape and portrait views. Portrait may be better when you're just reading what is in your stream as it lets you see more tweets at one time, but to see more of what Echofon can do, we're pretty much going to concentrate on the Landscape views.

Same tweets, just a more expanded menu bar on the left side. The Home section naturally shows you all of the tweets in your Twitter stream. The tweets are automatically updated every one, two, or three minutes according to how you've updated your settings. By default, it updates every minute. You can turn off auto-updating if you like, or refresh by tapping the refresh icon in the upper right corner.

Naturally, Echofon will show you your Mentions, Direct messages, and Favorites. Unlike Tweet Flow, Echofon also handles Twitter Lists, both lists you've created and ones that include your account. You can also create and save searches and check on trends in the tweets in your local area, across the country, or across the world. This is a fully featured app, so we won't be doing a complete walkthrough like we did with Tweet Flow. We'll just be looking at a few of the highlights.

One of the strengths of Echofon has always been its ability to track a reply back to the tweet that prompted the reply and to pull up the related tweets in the conversation. You'll notice in the above screen shot that all the tweets have an icon on the right of two overlapping conversation bubbles. That is the button for tracking back the rest of the conversation.

When you click the button, Echofon pops up a windowlet and shows the conversation so far as a chat window. Tweets are ordered with the oldest first and the more recent below. Not only does Echofon detect the tweet replied to, it finds any other tweets associated with the conversation in question and displays them. This includes comments from third parties, and any other comments made after the tweet whose button you clicked. While many other clients also supply this kind of conversation tracking, Echofon seems to have one of the best algorithms out there for  selecting the relevant tweets.

Direct messages are organized according to the sending account. This way you can see just the exchanges you've had with a particular person and not have to sort them out from a list of unrelated direct messages.

Another thing that Echofon does that most clients do not do is show you all of your followers the same way that Twitter does. Most clients will list everyone that you're following or that is following you, but they will alphabetize the list. While this is conventient if you are looking up a particular person, it is less useful if you're looking for the last five people who followed you. On the users tab, Echofon presents users order by time, with the most recent followers on top.

Tap the compose icon in the upper right corner, and Echofon slides up the keyboard and the compose windowlet.

The compose screen is pretty straightforward, but there are a couple cool features built into the compose screen. If you want to add a mention to someone to your tweet, either because you've got multiple people in the conversation or because you're starting a message to someone that isn't a reply to anything previous, click the icon of the two silhouettes in the top left and a windowlet will pop down to display the people you are following in an alphabetical list and with a search window so you can search for a particular person.

The other nifty tool that Echofon has is the way it allows you to select pictures. If you want to share a photo from your iPad with your friends, tap on the camera icon in the lower left corner of the compose window. Echofon will first present you with a list of all your different collections of photos on the iPad, albums, the main library, people and places. Then once you select a collection, it will show you a matrix of all the pictures in that collection.

At this point, most clients make you select a photo from this view. Just tap it and that is the photo you've selected. Echofon takes this one further. Select a photo from this matrix and Echofon gives you a view of the photo, not just the thumbnail.

If you've got several similar pictures, you can look at each one and make sure you've selected the right one. The picture doesn't get added to your message until you click the Use button in the upper right corner. The camera icon becomes a thumbnail of the picture you selected until you finish composing your tweet. You can even tap it again and change the photo selected or clear the photo altogether. The photo doesn't get uploaded to your chosen hosting service until you click send.

Unfortunately, Echofon will only let you put one photo into a tweet at a time. But hopefully some future update will allow you to post multiple photos.

When your photo, or someone else's, shows up in the tweet stream, in addition to the URL in the text of the tweet, you'll also see a thumbnail of your tweet off to the right.

Tap the thumbnail, and Echofon opens a larger windowlet and displays the picture for you. In the bottom left is a button that lets you save the image, and in the bottom right is a button to let you go to the page the image is being displayed from. The icon of this latter button is rather poorly chosen as a speech bubble. I wouldn't think that clicking on a speech bubble would take me to a web page, but that is what it does. Otherwise, it is a nice way to handle pictures.

As nice as Echofon is in many ways, it does have some rather unintuitive features. It has settings for the application overall, and settings that are particular for each Twitter account. These account specific settings tend to be buried, making them difficult to access.

Another odd thing is that when you tap on a tweet to select it, Echofon puts up a very helpful context menu with options.

The odd thing is that the last option is "More". Tap more and you get some additional options, but no way to get back to the first group of options. And why do you need two menus of options when there is plenty of screen space to list them all? This may be a holdover from earlier iPhone versions of the application. We shall watch eagerly to see if it is addressed in future versions.

While Echofon may have a few quirks and stumbling blocks, it is an excellent Twitter client. For some folks, it may be just what the doctor ordered. For quite a while it was my favorite Twitter client. And it may take that place again. But next week, we'll be talking about one of Tee's favorities. If you listened to the podcast, I'll bet you can already guess what it is! See you in two weeks for the next in the series.

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