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Showing posts with label iTeleport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iTeleport. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011


[Editor - Sorry for the delay in getting this one out folks. Unfortunately, there is little that you can do when your guts kick you in themselves. Hope you enjoy.]

Ever go off somewhere, to a meeting, or to visit a friend, and realize that you wanted to show something on your computer to someone? Maybe you had your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad along with you, and you checked Dropbox and Evernote and cursed yourself because the file wasn't in either one, but was safely on your computer at home, just out of reach. Well, if you have iTeleport installed, that file won't be out of reach anymore. You'll be able to connect to your home computer, find the file and drop it into Dropbox, e-mail it, or anything else you want!

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