#FollowFriday - @StephenFry: Author, Actor, Erudite Gentleman, Twitter advocate, and i-Thing Enthusiast.
This week, the coveted Follow Friday position has been reserved by your humble editor for that most gracious and witty personage, @StephenFry. In many ways, Mr. Fry has been one of the major formative influences for geeks of my generation. In the early 1980's as my compatriots were emerging from the hormonal haze of high school, Stephen was beginning his career as an actor and a comedian. Moving from the madcap insanity of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, to the historical parody of the Blackadder series, to the ever-so-proper Jeeves and Wooster
. Mr. Fry has been lurking in the background of modern entertainment, appearing in odd and unusual places such as A Fish Called Wanda
, I.Q.
, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
, V for Vendetta
, and Alice in Wonderland
. And soon he will emerge again from the shadows of the entertainment world as Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes older and much more intelligent brother. You can keep abreast of what he's been up to on his website, StephenFry.com.