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Friday, October 29, 2010

#FollowFriday - @StephenFry: Author, Actor, Erudite Gentleman, Twitter advocate, and i-Thing Enthusiast.

This week, the coveted Follow Friday position has been reserved by your humble editor for that most gracious and witty personage, @StephenFry. In many ways, Mr. Fry has been one of the major formative influences for geeks of my generation. In the early 1980's as my compatriots were emerging from the hormonal haze of high school, Stephen was beginning his career as an actor and a comedian. Moving from the madcap insanity of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, to the historical parody of the Blackadder series, to the ever-so-proper Jeeves and Wooster. Mr. Fry has been lurking in the background of modern entertainment, appearing in odd and unusual places such as A Fish Called Wanda, I.Q., The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, V for Vendetta, and Alice in Wonderland. And soon he will emerge again from the shadows of the entertainment world as Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes older and much more intelligent brother. You can keep abreast of what he's been up to on his website,


Monday, October 25, 2010

Osfoora HD, for Twitter - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

[Tee has informed me that his work is sending him on a business trip this week, and he's been unable to complete the final edits for the podcast in time to launch along with the review. I've included the links to the audio with this article, but I'm afraid that it may take as much as a week before there is anything on the other side of the link. Tee asked that I go ahead with the final article, so I hope you enjoy the review. - Editor]

Welcome back to the final installment of our series with Bird House Rules. We've finally made it to our last Twitter client for iPad. This one is another newcomer to the App store, but we think they've done just about everything right. My friends, I give you Osfoora HD, for Twitter by Said M. Marouf. The name may seem a bit strange, but there is a reason for it. We'll get back to that later. Osfoora sells for $3.99, and to us, that seems like money well spent. Version 1.1.2 has a huge list of features. One of the surprising things about Osfoora HD is that it actually works as well in portrait mode as it does in landscape. The developer really put a lot of thought and effort into this client, and it shows. On top of that, he also developed and supports Osfoora for the iPhone, a separate code base. And he's just a lone developer, working on his own. Said, our hat is off to you. In many ways, you've done more on your own than many large companies have done with a team of programmers. Respect, sir!


Friday, October 22, 2010

#FollowFriday - @PhilRossi: Author, musician, dad blogger,

[For this week's Follow Friday, I'm turning the reins over to Scott Roche, our new Windows corespondent for the Blog. Take it away, Scott! - Editor]

Welcome to my first Follow Friday blog post for the Nifty Tech Blog! I follow a lot of people on Twitter, over a thousand at last count. That seems like a lot to me anyway. I'm not sure that if you get into the multi-thousands, that you're truly "following" all of them. But when it comes to #FollowFriday, when I do it, much like my awesome host I only recommend people that I follow closely and enjoy. Only the best for you dear readers!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Help Support The Nifty Tech Blog

Have you been enjoying The Nifty Tech Blog? We certainly hope so. And we hope that you'd be willing to give something back. We want to bring you more features, more reviews, and better on site services. But we just don't have the resources to do these things on our own. We'll continue to do what we can, but there are a few things that you could do to help us bring you the reviews and features you've enjoyed up to now, and make things better for the future.


Friday, October 15, 2010

#FollowFriday - @SpiritualTramp: Writer, Kilt Wearer, Podcaster, Member of Flying Island Press, and Nifty Tech PC Expert!

This week I'd like to introduce you to @Spiritualtramp, a talented man in his own right, and the first new Nifty Tech Blog Staffer! @Spiritualtramp, aka Scott Roche, is joining the Nifty Tech Blog staff as our resident Windows PC expert. Going forward you should be seeing a review from him on some Windows based technology about once a month, in addition to seeing Follow Friday mentions from him. But that isn't all! Scott is also the Director of Marketing and Assistant Editor of Flying Island Press, an online speculative fiction magazine. He is also an author in his own right with several stories available on Smashwords, as well as his Podcast Novel Archangel. Scott also lives up to his namesake by publishing his own blog of spiritual musings and observations at Spiritual Tramp. Scott is one of the Associate Producers for The Metamor City Podcast, as well as producing Flying Island Press' Flagship Podcast (In which I provided guest commentary on episodes 2 and 3). I'm surprised that he's got any time left after all that, but I'm glad to have him along.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TweetTime for iPad - Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

Welcome back to another installment of the crossover series with Bird House Rules. We're almost done with looking at Twitter clients for iPad. This week we'll be looking at a client that is a relative newcomer to the App store, TweetTime for iPad by Dong-Wook Kim. TweetTime for iPad is a $2.99 purchase in the app store and is currently up to version 1.3.4. As is typical for applications for the iPad, landscape mode is more useful at illustrating the capabilities of the product than Portrait mode, so once again you'll be seeing a lot of Landscape pictures here.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day, Observed.

Just stopping by to let you folks know that nothing has gone wrong. Tee and I have decided to observe Columbus Day this year, so the review for this week will come out on Tuesday. I know a lot of folks don't do anything for Columbus Day, and a lot of workplaces don't even observe the holiday, but the discovery of the "new world" changed a lot of things in Europe and led to a lot of changes all over the world. Some of those have been good changes, and some bad, but on the whole I think that it has been beneficial in terms of lack of social strife and the creation of an environment where innovation in technology was necessary to survive.

Of course, the past is something we must live with and cannot be changed. So however you see the European invasion of the western hemisphere, take a few moments to count up the good and the bad, and resolve to learn from these lessons and make a better tomorrow. And that's when we'll see you. Tomorrow.


Friday, October 08, 2010

#FollowFriday - @riznphnx: Writer, Podiobook Author, and Siren of Second Life

This week's featured Twitterer (Tweeter? Twitter? whatever...) was a Finalist in the Best New Speculative Fiction Podcaster category for the 2010 Parsec Awards. She is a mother of three loyal minions, an author, and a Jazz singer on Second Life. @riznphnx, aka Starla Hutchton, also published her first novel, The Dreamer's Thread, this summer and is talking about writing a second book. For more information on her book or her podcast, check out her website, For more information on her, follow her on Twitter, and don't be a creepy, stalky type person.  Really.


Thursday, October 07, 2010

Editorial: The Elusive Verizon iPhone

Once again, or is it still?, the spectre of a new Verizon iPhone has risen from the dead to plague everyone with a fresh stale round of false hopes. New evidence is being pointed to as a clear indicator that Apple will soon announce a new iPhone for Verizon to be released next quarter. Of course, these rumors have cropped up every quarter since before the original iPhone was announced. And every quarter, they've been wrong. I think they're wrong again. Then again, my position does have the advantage that I can only be wrong once. But even though I believe that Apple won't be releasing a Verison iPhone anytime soon, I think they've built one. Probably several. Let me explain why...


Monday, October 04, 2010

October Poll: Do you want to see more polls?

September has come to an end and it is once again time to tally poll results. In September, I asked what people thought of Apple's new Ping Social network for Music. Apple calls it a great new way for people to discover new music on the iTunes music store. Reader of The Nifty Tech Blog called it a snoozer and a loser.  Here is the breakdown.


Friday, October 01, 2010

#FollowFriday - @Nobilis: Podcaster, Erotica Writer, Insightful Mind.

This Friday, I’d like to introduce you to someone who may not be to everyone’s taste. He is a man of strong opinions, a husband to a disabled wife, and a writer and podcaster of erotica. He is also a man of biting insight and dry wit. I give you @Nobilis.


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