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Friday, February 18, 2011

#FollowFriday - @LN_Dragonsong: Writer, Actress, Artist, Podcaster, and Gypsy Pirate

This week's pick is someone special. I don't know how I've managed to neglect this person for so long. Maybe it is just that when you follow a lot of awesome people, you can't pick out everyone at once. And so someone who is very deserving of recognition ends up getting passed over far too often. But no longer. I am, of course, talking about the lovely and talented Laura Frechette, aka @LN_Dragonsong. But Laura isn't just my pick, she is Scott's pick, too. We both wrote her up at the same time. Thus Laura is our first Double Follow Friday nominee! This article is an amalgamation of what we each wrote.

Scott says, "The number of creative people I've met at Balticon is staggering. It's coming up soon and I hope to be going. There are going to be a metric butt load of new, cool, creative folks there that I've yet to meet and if you're in the Baltimore area the last weekend of May I would encourage you to go. One such person is Laura Frechette aka @LN_Dragonsong. As my age befuddled brain places it, she approached me and told me that she was a fan of my podcast novel Archangel. That showed such incredible taste and good judgment that I knew from that moment she was quality. The more I've gotten to know her, the more that's been proven."

I have to agree. Laura is a woman of many talents. She is one of the editors of Flying Island Press, as well as being the guest-wrangler and one of the hosts of Flying Island's podcast, The Galley Table. She is also a quite talented voice actress, and has worked on a number of projects including some work for Broken Sea Audio.  With partner David Sobkowiak (no doubt a future #FollowFriday candidate), Laura runs , where they write and produce their own audio drama podcasts, one of the more notable being Prisoners of the Alliance. If you're curious about what else Laura is up to, you can check out her latest post at

So, now that you're suitably impressed with @LN_Dragonsong, do you still wonder why you should follower her on Twitter? No? No. Oh, wait, one guy in the back. There's always one in every crowd. All right, for you sir, and anyone else who hasn't been paying attention, I shall explain. Like many of my favorite Tweeps her updates are equal parts sass, snark, and sanguinity. I encourage you to follow her at your earliest convenience and cross her at your peril. Laura is a spitfire. She can be sweet and friendly, and often is, but she also doesn't take much guff. She plays well, but she also stands her ground, and her creative mind comes up with some of the most interesting threats. Naturally, one shouldn't just start trying to verbally spar with @LN_Dragonsong. That would be rude. But as you get to know her, you can see her sparring with her friends, or diverting into another creative pastime. Or there could be Mojitos. Then all bets are off.

That is it for today. Go, have a great President's Day weekend, and come back next week to see Scott's Follow Friday pick, and maybe a new surprise or two.



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